Hi and thanks for visiting.
This is the Paid Members Area of our website where the recipes and techniques are provided for all odor removal jobs.
To access this page please Click Here first to sign up and get access to our recipes and techniques. We may remove this in the future so don’t miss out.
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Here is what you will access once you have signed up
1. The actual DIY recipe that I have used since 2002 (with a surprise ingredient that makes it work like crazy) to remove stubborn odors from pet urine, human urine, deceased estates, vomit odors, rotten food odors, rotten milk odors, cigarette smoke in vehicles and much more.
2. A video (and text) guide showing you step by step how to mix the formulation and how to apply it to the contaminated area. I leave nothing out so by the time you watch the short video you will know exactly how to make the formulation and how to use it.
3. Advanced Techniques that shares some of my insider tips I have learned from being in the odor removal industry since 2002. These will fast track you with serious odor contaminations and give proven suggestions on what to do.
4. An effortless technique for for old urine contaminations particularly for rat urine in attics and other areas such as old dog urine in a concrete basement.
Thanks Craig