If you are searching for how to remove dog urine or poop smell from concrete, or perhaps it’s dog gland smell, you are in the right place.
Concrete floors in garages or basements absorb dog odor and I have removed this dog odor from concrete for hundreds of home owners using a very simple technique which has also been used by thousands of pet owners across the world.
All you need to do is use our special Odor Dude formula by applying the premixed 4 part Formula 2 on the affected area and ensure the product penetrates into the concrete. Dog urine will penetrate deeper than dog poop so use 1 pint for urine and half a pint for dog poop. Tip on and leave for 10-30 minutes or until foaming stops.
But first, you need to determine if the dog odor is caused by urine, poop or just general dog smell. Each smell requires a slightly different approach.
Determine Which Type of Dog Odor Is In Your Concrete
To succeed in Dog Odor removal we break the odors into three categories.
All three smells will permeate into concrete and each one requires a slightly different approach to ensure success.
- Dog Urine Odor
- Dog Poop Odor
- General Dog Odor (caused by oil in fur and from anal glands)
We look at each odor below and I provide the treatment system I use as a professional odor removal contractor.
How To Remove Dog Urine Smell in Concrete Floors
Neutralizing dog urine odor in a concrete garage or basement floor is not difficult if you use an “active” product that has the ability to penetrate into the concrete and react with the urine components. The smell is easily fixed using a cleaning formulation specifically designed for concrete floors. It’s cheap to make and highly efficient.
Find out more here.
An “active” product means once that is mixed just prior to application so the chemicals are still reacting when the solution is applied.
Step One: Mix up the active product
Mix up one gallon of our DIY odor neutralizer using formula 2 into a bucket or garden water plastic container.
Step Two: Find the areas of contamination.
Spray or pour a small portion of the mixed formula 2 on the ground to locate the urine contamination. The product will foam white (as shown below) when it comes in contact with dog urine or other dog residues that cause odor.
Step Three: Once the area of contamination is located apply a heavy dose of my formula 2 to the concrete
Move the solution around with a soft brush broom. There is no need to scrub as the solution will do the work.
Make sure the product is soaking in. If it is not soaking in it means there is oil or other contaminants on the ground and this will need to be cleaned with a broom so the product can soak in.
Hot Tip: Dog odor increases when the air is damp especially in humid conditions. The easiest way to find the areas to treat is apply the formula to the most common areas and look for white foaming as shown above
Step Four: Leave the product to work for 30 mins or until it stops foaming. Rinse with fresh water and leave to dry
Another Hot Tip: For older urine contaminations you may need 2 applications (as evident by excessive foaming when premixed concrete is first applied)
Remove Dog Poop Odor in Concrete Floors
Dog faeces residues can get walked into the porous concrete and if missed in a cleanup, the poo starts to produce bacteria which turns into dog poo odor soon after. Follow these steps to remove the poop and the odor.
Step 1: Make the formulation using 4 simple household chemicals mixed into a large bucket.
It is very cheap to make and goes a long way. USE FORMULA TWO for concrete floors and boost the concentration as outlined inside the members area.
Step 2: Mix up one gallon of formula two as outlined above.
Step 3: Apply the formulation to the concrete floor
Using a garden watering plastic container, move it around using a soft broom. Look for white foaming which indicates the product is working and burning up the feces.
If the dog poop is walked into the concrete you will need to use the broom to scrub that area ensuring all poop is agitated and coated in formula 2.
Step 4: Look for white foaming.
More often than not some areas will be worse than others. Quite often we treated dog diarrhoea and because this is runny it penetrates deep into the concrete. This area may foam more than others as the bacteria will be more prevalent in areas where oxygen has not come into contact
Step 5: Broom in gently and leave for 5-10 minutes ensuring the floor is kept wet all the time.
This gives time to allow the chemicals to work.The formulation will then eat into the dog poop contaminants and remove the odor.
Step No 6: When the foaming has stopped leave it and walk away.
Once it is dry the odor will be gone.
How To Remove General Dog Odor From Concrete (caused by oil in fur and from anal glands)
If you are keeping a dog in your garage at night the smell will build up over time, depending on the breed of dog. The floor smells are generally made up of urine, feces and general dog odor from the oils in the dogs fur and often from oils expressed from the anal glands (certain breeds of dogs smell stronger than others and older dogs are the worst usually) so here are some helpful tips to get rid of that infamous smell.
Step 1: Mix up one gallon of formula two as outlined above.
Step 2: Apply the formulation to the concrete floor
Using a garden watering plastic container, move it around using a soft broom. Look for white foaming which indicates the product is working.
Step 3: Look for white foaming.
More often than not some areas will be worse than others. Just let it foam.
Step 4: Broom in gently and leave for 5-10 minutes ensuring the floor is kept wet all the time.
This gives time to allow the chemicals to work. The formulation will then eat into the dog gland smell and contaminants and works to remove the odor.
Step 5: When the foaming has stopped leave it and walk away.
Once it is dry the odor will be gone.
Using Ozone Gas To Remove Dog Odor
Ozone is very effective for odor removal and can boost the whole process of removing dog odor while sterilizing your home at the same time.
This is the ozone unit we recommend (see below) for treating dog odor in vehicles, garages, laundry areas and trucks.
Just switch it on, and follow directions. Note: You MUST follow the manufacturers product directions. Ozone is harmful when used incorrectly.
These units are powerful and excellent for mold and damp odors in a basement also plus other odors around the house.
See our ozone machine review here
Ozone treatment is the easiest way to finish an area of after treatment.
The Ozone machine shown above is very effective for providing a finishing touch and sanitizing to the treated area to remove any remaining dog odor. It also can be used also for killing mold in basements, eliminating dust mites in carpet by killing the mold, reducing cooking smells, and many other uses to purify and improve the odors in a home.
Our Verdict – Removing Dog Urine, Poop & Smell from Concrete
So that is how to remove dog odor (urine, poop and general dog smell) from concrete and I hope that is helpful and all the best with your treatment.
Any questions ask us below for help.
Cheers Craig
Craig - The Odor Dude
Hey guys! Craig here, the Odor Dude. I have over 12 years of experience in the odor removal industry removing all sorts of odors. Now it's time to share what I've learnt so you can solve your odor issues fast!