Common Home Remedies for Dog Urine Smell – Pros, Cons, Alternatives

home remedies for dog urine smell

As a dog owner, dealing with the unpleasant odor of dog urine in your home can be a challenging task. Fortunately, there are several effective home remedies available that can help you eliminate that stubborn dog urine smell.

In this article, I will share with you some common home remedies that are available online and will tell you what works and what doesn’t so you can get straight to it to remove the dog urine smell without messing about! 

Having worked in the odor removal industry for over 10 years, I’ve dealt with alot of odors and dog urine is one of the most common I’ve seen. 

So lets get straight into it so you can deal with your dog pee problem FAST!

home remedies for dog urine smell
We have a puppy piddler...but how could you get mad at this cute face!

Before You Start

Before diving into the home remedies, it’s essential to remove as much urine as possible from the affected area. Take a stack of paper towels and gently blot the urine to absorb as much liquid as you can. This initial step will make the following remedies more effective.

Before you start sprinkling, pouring or pasting any sort of home remedy onto your carpets, couches or fancy rugs, always make sure you spot test in an inconspicuous area first. Don’t let your dog pee situation ruin your whole area!

fold towels to soak up dog odor residue

Common Home Remedies For Dog Urine Smell

Here are some common home remedies I’ve seen over the years and ones you will also see online on various websites. I’ll let you know how they work and some alternate options for you to try. 

Lastly, I will share with you my own home remedy for eliminating dog urine smell. Whilst researching these common home remedies, none of them have suggested my home remedy which has been proven to work and is super effective at removing NEW and OLD dog urine smells. So keep reading to find out more!

Better still, skip through stuff that may or may not work and head straight to my effective home remedy for dog urine.

Dish Soap and Water:

How it works: Dish soap acts as a surfactant, breaking down the urine components and allowing them to be washed away. It helps remove the stain and reduce the odor associated with dog urine. However, it may not be as effective in completely eliminating the odor from older or more concentrated urine stains.

Alternate option: Combine dish soap with hydrogen peroxide for added odor-fighting power. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down the organic compounds in urine and can help remove more stubborn odors.


- Dish soap helps break down the urine stain and eliminate odor.
- Cheap to make.
- Convenient - most people have this readily available at home.
- Best for new urine that has literally just happened.


- It may not completely remove the odor from old or concentrated urine stains.
- You will need alot of product and will need to repeat the process multiple times.
- Doesn’t work well on heavily soiled materials such as couches or thick carpet 

home remedy for dog pee

Vinegar and Water:

How it works: Vinegar is known for its disinfecting properties and can help neutralize the ammonia in dog urine, thereby reducing the odor. However, the strong smell of vinegar may persist for some time, although it will eventually dissipate.

Alternate option: There are a few ways to neutralize vinegar smell. Mix vinegar with water and add a few drops of essential oil, such as lavender or eucalyptus, to mask the vinegar smell and leave a pleasant scent behind.


- Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and can help neutralize the odor.
- Good to use on most surfaces.


- The strong smell of vinegar may linger temporarily.
- If the urine smell is strong you will need to repeat the process multiple times.
- Not as good on older urine. 

Baking Soda:

How it works: Baking soda is a natural odor absorber and can help neutralize the smell of dog urine. Sprinkling baking soda over the affected area and allowing it to sit for some time can help absorb and reduce the odor. However, like other remedies, it may not be as effective in completely eliminating the odor from older or more concentrated urine stains.

Alternate option: Combine baking soda with vinegar. Vinegar acts as a disinfectant, killing bacteria and breaking down the urine components, while baking soda helps absorb and eliminate odors. While this remedy can be effective in freshening up the affected area, it may not completely eliminate the odor from older and more concentrated urine stains. For these older, stubborn odors our Odor Dude remedy works a treat


Baking soda is excellent for absorbing odors.


- It may not completely eliminate the odor from old or concentrated urine stains.
- If the urine is already dry, you will need to dampen the area first. 

Vinegar, Water, and Hydrogen Peroxide:

How it works: Vinegar helps neutralize the ammonia in dog urine, while hydrogen peroxide breaks down the organic compounds and removes stains. Combining these two with water creates a potent solution for tackling both the odor and the stain. However, it’s important to test this solution on a small, inconspicuous area first, as hydrogen peroxide may cause discoloration on certain carpets or fabrics.

Alternate option: For a powerful solution that gets through stubborn, older urine odors, our Odor Dude home remedy is the perfect solution. Our formula 2 consists of 4 ingredients that are proven to be effective in eliminating old urine odors for good. 


- This combination tackles both the new stain and the odor effectively.


- Hydrogen peroxide may cause discoloration on certain carpets or fabrics.
- May need to be repeated a few times to get results.
- Not as effective on older urine. 

Odor Dude’s Home Remedy For Dog Urine

While the above remedies can be effective for fresh urine stains, my personal home remedy is specially formulated to tackle both new and old urine smells. It contains two separate formulas, one for new urine and another for older urine. These formulas work in synergy to kill the bacteria that causes the unpleasant odor.

My home remedy has helped many pet owners including Patti G in Ohio –  

“Amazing!! I must say that I was skeptical at first but still bought the formula because of the replies from your satisfied customers. I have 6 dogs, three are very old. When I have the dogs at my mom’s house in town, the only yard they have to go potty in is cement. You can imagine the smell…I started surfing the internet and came across your website. I cannot thank you enough! It works!! The neighbors thanked me for quickly taking care of the ‘sewage’ problem;I never did tell her it was my dogs! No more worries!”

I have extensively researched various remedies available online, and while many provide effective solutions for new dog urine stains, none have suggested my method of treating old dog urine. My home remedy is super effective and easy to make at home, providing a powerful solution to eliminate the toughest of urine smells.

Click here to find out more about my DIY odor removal home remedy.

odor dude expert odor removal
That's me making the home remedy! You can do it too!

Benefits of Using a Home Remedy: 

Using a home remedy for dog urine smell offers several advantages:

  • Pet Safe: Most home remedies utilize natural ingredients that are safe for your pets, ensuring their well-being while effectively removing the odor.
  • Affordable: Home remedies are often cost-effective, saving you money on expensive commercial cleaners or professional services.
  • Highly Effective: With the right combination of ingredients and techniques, home remedies can be remarkably efficient at eliminating dog urine smells, even from older stains.


Dealing with dog urine smell in your home can be challenging, but with the right home remedies, you can effectively eliminate the odor and create a fresh and clean environment for both you and your furry friend. 

Remember to remove as much urine as possible before applying any remedy and consider trying Odor Dude’s Home Remedy, a powerful solution designed to tackle both new and old urine smells. By using home remedies, you can achieve a pet-safe, affordable, and highly effective way to banish dog urine odors from your home.

Picture of Craig - The Odor Dude

Craig - The Odor Dude

Hey guys! Craig here, the Odor Dude. I have over 12 years of experience in the odor removal industry removing all sorts of odors. Now it's time to share what I've learnt so you can solve your odor issues fast!